F a m i l i e n Q u i r i n g

Hallo Quiring Familien,
ich möchte auf folgendes Projekt aufmerksam machen:

Mennonite DNA Project YChromosome Data Discussionby Tim Janzen 2012
The comments below apply to the currently available Ychromosome marker results pertaining to the Low German Mennonite DNA pro
ject. Individual surnames are commented on only if there are results for a least one person from two or more unconnected lineages with that surname. It should be kept in mind that the data for many men who have been tested by the SMGF is incomplete and that as more complete haplotypes become available for these men the conclusions based on the currently available partial haplotypes could potentially change. The numbers referred to for people in the comments are their Grandma numbers as they currently appear in the Grandma database.The abbreviation “NPE” stands for “non-parental event”. A non-parental event is a situation where a boy does not inherit the Y chromosome of the male head of household he is raised with dueto an adoption, an illegitimate birth, or a name change. A haplotype is a set of marker results for a given individual.

There are results back for 5 different unconnected Quiring families. The haplotypes are consistent with each other with the exception of mutations which have occurred at some markers, suggesting that thesefamilies all descend from the same Quiring progenitor.


Ich habe die Vorfahren der verschiedenen Quiring Familien hier:
I have ancestors of different Quiring families here:


1. Peter Johann Quiring (1792-1865) 69542 US 1

2. Pieter Quiring (1779-?) 313415 1805 nach Schönhorst , Chortitza ausgewandert

3. Abram David Quiring (1745-?) 198975 1793 nach Kronsgarten, Chortitza ausgewandert

4. Cornelius Quiring (1751-1813) 52201 1813 gest, in Gerschewerfeld, Preussen pe 1

5. Franz Peter Quiring (1856-1941) 63235 geb. 1856 in Kleefeld, Molotschna, kam am 5 Aug 1875 in New York, USA, an.  fs 18



Drei dieser Familien habe ich mit ihren Stammbäumen in meiner Genealogie erfasst (1., 4. und 5.). Es wäre gut, wenn sich die getesteten Personen sich mit mir in Verbindung setzen würden.

Three of these families I have captured with their pedigrees in my genealogy (1., 4. and 5.). It would be good if the people tested would sit down with me.


Die getesteten Quiring gehören zur Haplogruppe r1b. Zur Verteilung und Herkunft dient folgende Grafik:




 Die Quirings haben ein Verbreitungsmuster, das der Forscher Ken Nordtveld als „Friesisch“ einteilt.




Europas wichtigste Y-DNA-Haplogruppen. Die farblich markierten Flächen repräsentieren Gebiete, wo die Häufigkeit einer Haplogruppe mehr als ein Drittel des Genpools ausmacht(> 35 %)

Haplogroup R1b in Europe

R1b is the most common haplogroup in Western Europe, reaching over 80% of the population in Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, western Wales, the Atlantic fringe of France and the Basque country. It is also common in Anatolia and around the Caucasus, in parts of Russia and in Central and South Asia. Besides the Atlantic and North Sea coast of Europe, hotspots include the Po valley in north-central Italy (over 70%), the Ossetians of the North Caucasus (over 40%) and nearby Armenia (35%), the Bashkirs of the Urals region of Russia (50%), Turkmenistan (over 35%), the Hazara people of Afghanistan (35%), the Uyghurs of North-West China (20%) and the Newars of Nepal (11%). R1b-V88, a subclade specific to sub-Saharan Africa, is found in 60 to 95% of men in northern Cameroon.


Y-DNA of Germans from Silesia, Pomerania, Pomerelia and Prussia


1. Pomerania & Pomerelia - 50 individuals:


R1b haplogroup - 11 (22%):

Peter Johann Quiring, born 1792 Piecewo R1b-L48


